Opinions (5) about 7Nutrition Glutamine - 500g

Description 7Nutrition Glutamine - 500g


7Nutrition Glutamine - 500g

7Nutrition Glutamine- for a foodstuff containing high quality micronised L-glutamine, and taurine, which allows a dietary supplement so important substances for the body.

L-glutamine - is an endogenous amino acid which plays a fundamental role in the metabolism of nitrogen. Effectively affects the rate of protein production, while reducing their degradation in the body (works anti-catabolic). He takes part in a very important process of synthesis, resynthesis and transamination of all amino acids necessary for the body, effectively regulating the same economy nitrogen. L-glutamine also affects the process replenish glycogen, by speeding up the process of its production.

An important role of L-glutamine is a significant inhibition of the production of lactic acid, which translates into improved recovery after exercise. L-glutamine constitutes about 50% of the total amino acid pool in muscle cells, and its demand in the muscles increases significantly during training and various kinds of physical efforts.

Product 7Nutrition Glutamine incorporating a more easily digestible and more active form of glutamine makes it possible to maintain adequate levels of this amino acid in the body, affecting the effective increase in lean muscle mass.

Recommended use:

  • Day Training:
    5 g 3 times a day (morning, after training and at night).
  • Non-training day:
    5 g 3 times a day (morning, during the day and at night).


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Produktu nie należy podawać matkom karmiącym oraz kobietom w ciąży.
Zalecany jest zrównoważony sposób żywienia i zdrowy tryb życia.
Przechowywać w suchym miejscu, w temperaturze pokojowej, w miejscu niedostępnym dla małych dzieci.
Chronić przed bezpośrednim działaniem promieni słonecznych.


7Nutrition Glutamine - 500g

Porcja: 5 g
Ilość porcji w opakowaniu: 100
Opakowanie: 500 g
Mass net: 500.00 g
Wartość odżywcza / Informacja żywieniowa
  na 5 g % RWS* na 100 g % RWS*
L-glutamina 4.75 g - 95.0 g -
Tauryna 0.25 g - 5.00 g -

*RWS - Reference intake value.

Składniki: L-glutamina; tauryna.

7Nutrition Glutamine - 500g

Ref: SEV/005
69.99 pln
100 portions / 500g1 portion / 0.70 pln100 g / 14.00 pln
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7Nutrition Glutamine - 500g
7Nutrition Glutamine - 500g
69.99 pln