Description Olimp Creatine Xplode Powder - 500g


Olimp Creatine Xplode Powder - 500g

A great combination of the most advanced forms of creatine, characterized by the highest anabolic activity and pattern of energetic changes. If you are looking for the perfect product cycle creatine - just any, found it! A huge anabolic strength in powder form! 100% legal and safe supplement.

Olimp Creatine Xplode ™ to combine in a single unique product as many as 6 of the most popular and effective forms of creatine currently used in the world of advanced athlete supplements. The ingredients of this special product are appropriately balanced so that the release of free creatine molecules is highest immediately after the consumption of Creatine Xplode ™ very quickly fulfilling the demand for this compound under conditions of the greatest exposure to catabolism, after waking up and immediately after training.

The Olimp Creatine Xplode ™ product include forms of creatine malate, ethyl ester, alpha-ketoglutarate, pyruvate, citrate, and a real "gem" in the group - an excellent creatine chelate of magnesium (Creatine Magna Power). The use of these high-performance forms of creatine guarantees more than the achievement of the aforementioned, the most diversified kinetics of the release of free creatine molecules, as well as minimum loss of this substance (into inactive creatine) under the unfavorable conditions of the gastrointestinal tract. Not without significance is the fact that the energetic metabolites of creatine (pyruvate, malate or alpha-ketoglutarate), after the release of its free molecule, feed the pool of substances included in a series of energy changes (including the Krebs cycle), directly contributing to a decrease in the subjective fatigue athlete.

Very effectively it helps in the enrichment of Creatine Xplode ™ with taurine, which can synergistically acting very effectively influence the increase in the volume of training, clearly contributing to the improvement of sport performance while reducing recovery time. All these facts unquestionably put the latest OLIMP product in the lead, compared to traditional, one-ingredient creatine supplements.

Who should use this product?

Olimp Creatine Xplode ™ is recommended for anyone practicing a sport, regardless of their current level. In any case, this innovative supplement will contribute to a distinct improvement in training performance and a noticeable shortening of body regeneration time. The beneficial effects will also supplementation of Creatine Xplode ™ by people every day, remaining in high physical activity, in connection with work or other responsibilities. Mixture used in the product 6 of creatine will give you a supply of strength for an entire active day.

What products combine the best with Creatine Xplode?

In order to maximize the growth of muscular weight this product should always be combined with carbohydrate supplement Carbonox, as well as protein supplements such. Mega Strong Protein or Whey Protein Complex 100% ®. In order to increase the effectiveness of your workout perfect addition (used before training) is AAKG 7500 Extreme Shot and BCAA Xplode. Perfect, anti-catabolic combination is pre and post workout supplementation GLUTAMINE Xplode and HMB MEGA CAPS.


1 serving daily before breakfast or after training. 1 portion (5g powder) dissolved in 125ml of water. Consume immediately after preparation.


Suplement diety.
Nie może być stosowany jako zamiennik bądź substytut zróżnicowanej diety.
Nie należy przekraczać zalecanego dziennego spożycia.
Nie stosować w przypadku uczulenia na którykolwiek ze składników produktu.
Produktu nie należy podawać matkom karmiącym oraz kobietom w ciąży.
Zalecany jest zrównoważony sposób żywienia i zdrowy tryb życia.
Przechowywać w suchym miejscu, w temperaturze pokojowej, w miejscu niedostępnym dla małych dzieci.
Chronić przed bezpośrednim działaniem promieni słonecznych.


Olimp Creatine Xplode Powder - 500g

Zawiera substancje słodzące.

Porcja: 5.8 g
Ilość porcji w opakowaniu: 86
Opakowanie: 500 g
Mass net: 500.00 g
Wartość odżywcza / Informacja żywieniowa
  na 5.8 g % RWS*
Wartość Energetyczna (energia) 89 kJ / 21 kcal -
Tłuszcz <0.5 g -
- w tym kwasy tłuszczowe nasycone <0.1 g -
Węglowodany 0 g -
- w tym cukry 0 g -
Białko 0 g -
Sól <0.01 g -
* 4524 mg -
- -
- -
- -
- -
- -
- -
3000 mg -
Tauryna 580 mg -

*RWS - Reference intake value.

Składniki: 78% MATRIX 6 STRONG BLEND (cytrynian kreatyny, jabłczan kreatyny, ester etylowy kreatyny HCl, Creatine MagnaPower® (kreatyna, sole magnezowe kwasu cytrynowego, sole magnezowe kwasu ortofosforowego), alfa-ketoglutaran kreatyny, pirogronian kreatyny), 10% tauryna, aromaty, substancja przeciwzbrylająca – dwutlenek krzemu; barwnik – E 150d (dla smaku xplosive cola); regulator kwasowości – cytryniany sodu; substancje słodzące – acesulfam K, sukraloza, cyklaminiany (Z); barwniki: karoteny (A), koszenila (B), ryboflawiny (C), E 150c (D), E 150d (E), E 133 (F), błękit patentowy V (G), indygokarmin (H), chlorofile i chlorofiliny (I), kurkumina (J), antocyjany (K), ekstrakt z papryki (L), betanina (M), węgiel roślinny (N).
(A)-(Z) – W zależności od smaku produktu symbol (A-Z) użytego składnika znajduje się obok daty minimalnej trwałości (najlepiej spożyć przed).

Wyprodukowano w zakładzie wykorzystującym składniki pochodzące z mleka, jaj, soi, orzechów, orzeszków ziemnych (arachidowych), zbóż zawierających gluten, ryb, skorupiaków, mięczaków.

Olimp Creatine Xplode Powder - 500g

Ref: OLI/254
124.99 pln
86 portions / 500g1 portion / 1.45 pln100 g / 25.00 pln
Other weights
Olimp Creatine Xplode Powder - 260g
44 portions / 260g
1 portion / 1.36 pln
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