Description Trec Nitrobolon - 150 kaps.


Trec Nitrobolon - 150 kaps.

TREC NITROBOLON is a patented formula that increases the production of nitric oxide (NO), which has a very strong anabolic effect. As a result, dramatically increases the blood supply to the muscle tissue during heavy exercise, whereby it is more necessary for intensive energy transformations of nutrients and oxygen. TREC NITROBOLON contains only the most effective ingredients intensifying the production of NO in the body, which in combination with esterified creatine increases the tension and pumped muscles. This translates to a spectacular increase their strength, endurance and circuits.

TREC NITROBOLON increase the production of nitric oxide causes relaxation of blood vessel walls, and inhibition of platelet aggregation (responsible for the blood viscosity), resulting in a several-fold increase in the rate and amount of blood flow in vessels and muscles.


The ingredients contained in the TREC NITROBOLON such as arginine alpha keto-glutarate are precursors of the human body nitric oxide (NO), which is responsible for the speed of communication between cells. Increased production of nitric oxide causes relaxation of blood vessel walls, and inhibition of platelet aggregation (responsible for the blood viscosity), resulting in a several-fold increase in the rate and amount of blood flow in vessels and muscles. The result is more oxygen and nutrients (transported by the blood) in a muscle cell. This gives the effect of tension and "pumped-up" muscles, which causes a significant increase in muscle mass and strength.

Why TREC NITROBOLON is unbeatable product?

The unique combination of the strongest acting arginine precursors (Diarginine malate and arginine alpha keto-glutarate) that best convert arginine to nitric oxide is not the only secret of this product. Appendix Citruline malate (citrulline malate), which utilizes endotoxins allows you to fully utilize the production of nitric oxide is another secret of the product. What are endotoxins? Endotoxins are toxic substances produced during intense exercise, such as lactic acid and ammonia, which poison the body and block the production of nitric oxide. Remember! If you do not remove endotoxins production of nitric oxide is inhibited. Therefore, preparations containing only substances that increase the production of NO are not effective. Another important function of citrulline, malate is to increase the production of ATP (the molecule responsible for the speed and force of muscle contraction), which is significantly more demand during the production of nitric oxide. TREC NITROBOLON also contains the latest creatine formula in the ester form, which has a 100% bioavailability (better than regular creatine monohydrate). Therefore simply apply it in small doses, in combination with nitric oxide to obtain amazing anabolic effect.

What can be achieved by using TREC NITROBOLON?

Nitric oxide increases the efficiency of both red muscle fibers, which contract rapidly and forcefully (to those fibers that work when attacking record in the barbell bench press) and white fibers responsible for endurance during long-term efforts. How does this relate to the results? In fact, the effects you see with your own eyes. Use of the preparation TREC NITROBOLON exceeding the maximum training, which could be obtained by using only dangerous anabolic steroids. Muscles become more supple and pumped up, ready to generate more energy and work out really hard.

Trec Nitrobolon - 150 kaps.

What other benefits can be achieved using TREC NITROBOLON?

Effect of nitric oxide (NO) as a substance which increases the body's stress is not only beneficial action of the substance. A much broader range of nitrogen oxide to increase the volume of tissue used for years pharmaceutical companies specializing in the production of drugs for impotence. Among other popular Viagra contains substances that increase the production of NO. Blood circulation disorders, poor blood flow and tissue flexibility in genital organs largely sexual intercourse. Nitric oxide improves blood supply, which is beneficial to achieve and maintain an erection.

TREC NITROBOLON YOUR Indispensable pre-training supplement!

Recommended use:

The serving of the product - 4 capsules with 300 ml of water. Depending on your needs, take 2-3 servings daily.

  • Day Training:
    serving 30 min. before the first meal, II serving 30 min. before training and one serving immediately after training.
  • Non-training day:
    serving 30 min. before the first meal, II serving 30 min. before the main meal.


Suplement diety.
Nie może być stosowany jako zamiennik bądź substytut zróżnicowanej diety.
Nie należy przekraczać zalecanego dziennego spożycia.
Nie stosować w przypadku uczulenia na którykolwiek ze składników produktu.
Produktu nie należy podawać matkom karmiącym oraz kobietom w ciąży.
Zalecany jest zrównoważony sposób żywienia i zdrowy tryb życia.
Przechowywać w suchym miejscu, w temperaturze pokojowej, w miejscu niedostępnym dla małych dzieci.
Chronić przed bezpośrednim działaniem promieni słonecznych.


Trec Nitrobolon - 150 kaps.

Porcja: 4 kaps.
Ilość porcji w opakowaniu: 37.5
Opakowanie: 150 kaps.
Mass net: 120.00 g
Wartość odżywcza / Informacja żywieniowa
  na 4 kaps. % RWS* na 12 kaps. % RWS*
* - - - -
1600.00 mg - 4800,00 mg -
1110.00 mg - 3330,00 mg -
Jabłczan cytruliny 550.00 mg - 1650,00 mg -
308.00 mg - 924,00 mg -
550.00 mg - 1650,00 mg -
368.00 mg - 1104,00 mg -

*RWS - Reference intake value.

Składniki: NITROBOLON BLEND [jabłczan L-argininy; jabłczan cytruliny; ester etylowy kreatyny; alfa-ketoglutaran L-argininy]; otoczka kapsułki (żelatyna; barwnik – dwutlenek tytanu); substancja przeciwzbrylająca – sole magnezowe kwasów tłuszczowych.

Produkt może zawierać alergeny takie jak: mleko, soja, pszenica, jęczmień, owies, jaja, orzeszki ziemne i orzechy.

Trec Nitrobolon - 150 kaps.

Ref: NBOL *2 150C N
79.99 pln
Lowest price 30 days before the promotion: 89.99 pln -11%
37.5 portions / 150kaps.1 portion / 2.13 pln1 kaps. / 0.53 pln
Other weights
Trec Nitrobolon - 240 kaps.
37.5 portions / 240kaps.
1 portion / 2.93 pln
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Trec Nitrobolon - 150 kaps.
79.99 pln
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